~of Myst -n- Flight~


I dream of myst an flight,
of strong arms holding me in the night
His was the ship whispering through my dreams,
never to anchor but in the myst
My love but a breeze for thy sails,
yet strong enough to endure
Hale an bow to the myst,
at its rising
Keeping my soul imprisoned
within its darked shadows
Unfurled wings of gossamer white take flight
sail   .....oh sail thy heart to vast ports
For it is said that freedom be yours
afore thy heart be mine

©1998 Yashti


Time was when men of honest worth
were known for honest deeds.
But honesty is now in derth,
replaced by moments needs.

©Ken McAdams

(an exert)
The cold knocks loudly,
shivering the heart on it's hinges
Back, back to where we began,
And surely the sun will warm again
 I can not stay where I have been left,
For fear I will never return

© Ya§hti



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